Friday, 30 April 2010

Spilia Bay -> Vlikho -> Igoumenitsa

Morning in Spilia Bay. Ooooh Logariasmos. Can't get that tune out of my head.

Breakfast "chez nous" with the crew of Kerguelen. Orange juice, bread, jam, yoghurt with honey, and fruit salad! We all walk up the (steep!) hill to Spartakhori, the town on the hillside above the harbour. There is a lookout point with beautiful views over the bay, and the islands beyond. We walk through the town, and follow a road out of town for a bit, but it's getting late so we head back. It would be so nice to be able to spend another day here. I have visions of Dan being sent out to bring us back to Vlikho by force!

Eileen gets a quick dip at a beach on the way back to the boat. The water looks beautiful, but a bit chilly. The rest of us are too chicken!

Pack and clean up boat. Laurent dons his wet suit and snorkelling gear, and dives in for a look at his hull. Takes a look at ours while he is at it and sees a plastic bag around the prop. Would we like him to remove it? Yes please! Hélène throws him a big ugly-looking knife and he reappears a few moments later with a handful of shredded blue plastic bag. Thanks Laurent! 

Time to go. Tears all round. Laura takes the helm and steers us out of the bay while we store fenders and tidy up. We motor the few miles to Vlikho. There is not much wind, and we have to get the boat back. Our taxi is booked for 16:00. 

We call Sail Ionian on the VHF to let them know we are coming, and more importantly to make a space on the quay for us. "Rodney, Rodney, Rodney. This is yacht Mojito, yacht Mojito, yacht Mojito ..." No reply. As we get nearer, we see somebody waving to us, pointing to a space on the quay. Whew! For our final manoeuvre, we manage a near perfect stern-to. Just needed to let out a bit of chain to get closer to the quay. We go to the office, and Di and Linda are there to help us take care of the final paperwork. We thank them for everything, mention that there was no teapot on the boat, and leave a six-pack of Mythos for Dan.

Taxi from Vlikho to Igoumenitsa. It's the same ex-Formula 1 driver. Sitting in the back of the car I feel stiff, bruised, and battered. And tired. Very tired. But happy, and very proud of my crew. A well-deserved hearty slap on the back for both of you!

In the taxi we realize that we left the sailing gloves, hats, and most importantly Laura's camera in the cockpit table locker. Oops, forgot to look in there.

Ferry port in Igoumenitsa. The ticket office is actually in the ferry terminal! But where do we go to board the ship? "Out that door and 100 metres to the right", says the lady behind the desk. We go out the door to find a huge dock covered with cars and motorbikes and semi-trailer trucks. Dodging cars and trucks we eventually find the quay where our ferry will arrive. Foot passengers are definitely an afterthought in the ferry business!

Log entry for Friday, 30/04/2010
Fuel: Full
Batteries: 1 (engine) = 12.6; 2 (domestic) = 12
Water: 1/2
Engine check: OK (visual)
Bilge: 1/2 cup
Baro: 998 @ 12:45
From: Port Spilia, Meganisi; Log 9054.0 @ 13:30
Towards: Vlikho, Lefkada; Log 9059.8 @ 15:15

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